Rise of Kings Wiki

Heavy ships are powerful, strong vessels, useful for massing naval power; although their slow speed can deter potential commissions for their construction, they have a fairly decent attack, capable of consigning light ships to under the waves.

In the Imperial Era, the heavy ship line can be upgraded to either one of two different units, the lanternas, with its stronger siege role; and the carrack, which is stronger but with weaker firepower, making it more suited as a "ship killer". The lanternas actually has a stronger, long-ranged attack, but because of its curtailed attack speed, it must be used wisely when taking on other vessels.

Four factions specialise in heavy vessels: the Venetians, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese. China and Japan can call upon a more enhanced but costlier heavy warship fleet whenever it suits them - the only problem is that their heavy ship line consumes a fair deal of wood. In contrast, Portugal and Venice prefer to create cheaper but somewhat less efficient units - the Galleass, which is more of a fast medium-strength bombardment ship with very accurate attack, and the Portuguese carrack line, which culminates in a relatively powerful tall ship.

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